Tuesday 24 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.


Christopher Nolan


Jonathan Nolan (screenplay)Christopher Nolan(screenplay)
Chosen by: David

1 comment:

  1. This is the conclusion to the comic book triology that all others will, and should, be judged by.

    Nolan is renowned in 'the biz' for being one of the hardest working ,meticulous and borderline OCD perfectionists. In the previous 2 films he transformed the franchise from comic book to graphic novel - a subtle but very important difference.

    The latter are generally a more mature, gritty and darker look at the fictional world of would-be heroes. The name of the films themselves are a tip of the cap to Frank Millers written seminal offering: The Dark Knight Returns, which sees an older Bruce Wayne return to an unwelcoming Gotham.

    This film, although far from the book, takes that maturity and is portrayed through some amazing performances notably Anne Hathaway, Michael Cane and Tom Hardys eyebrows.

    It was brave to have such a massive character arc for the perpetrator of all of Batmans woes; Ra al Ghu - but it was a punt that paid off as his influence really binds the triology, and Bruce Waynes inclusion in it all.

    If there is a criticism to be levelled at the film it could be that it jumps from scene to scene very quickly and often giving the sense they are trying to squeeze too much in. The music was perhaps over used as the dramatic build up music seemed to be in every scene which saturated its effect. It reminded me of Inception a little in that the clock was against everyone and so the whole film felt like one giant climax (enter Twatman and Nobbin puns here).

    Still, all that aside, a really solid conclusion and worthy of the wait

