Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner.


Marc Webb
Chosen by: All


  1. "Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever, a spider can".

    This song from the 80's cartoon always comes to my mind when I think of Spidey. As does the cheeky natured lead actor in the 80's movie version. I guess I would also have to include 'that kiss' from the Sam Remi movies as iconic SM moments. Which leads me to wonder what I could include from 'The Amazing Spider-Man'?

    Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker was spot on and is possibly the best version of the socially awkward brainiac by day and friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man by night yet. The rest of the cast were all OK, Emma Stone was fun, Rhys Evans was a good troubled evil genius, the Lizard...less said about him the better. CG only works if it enhances the illusion - he definitely made me aware of watching a movie.

    The plot had been slated by a lot of the press but it wasn't lacking in anything bar perhaps originality (good guy gets super powers, learns valuable life lesson, defeats evil force whom he helped create and gets the gal). The script was sharp and witty and rightly left the best lines to the main man. The could have avoided repetition from the last series of films but I guess when you have a story to follow, follow it you must or risk the wrath of the comic loving hordes.

    Mark Webb was a brave choice having only directed some TV and '500 days of Summer' but he seemed to take up the challenge and crafted some really lovely peices while considering the movie as a whole.

    The cinematography was well thought out and made the most of the web slinging possibilities - especially the 1st person perspective. The shot when he lands on the mirrored building to reveal the final version of the emerging hero was pure class.

    A solid fun film

  2. What he said above.

    Although i had bigger issues with the lizard, aka Dino-bloke (thanks Paul Crump for that name) so I've marked it slightly down.

    7.5 / 10
