Monday 12 November 2012


Bond's loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost.


Sam Mendes

1 comment:

  1. It's been a couple of weeks since I saw this and I still am thinking about it. I think that what this Bond has offered me more than any of the 22 previous outings is something that ticks all the usual Bond boxes but that also matches modern Hollywood drama/action movies by being complex, challenging and smart.

    The acting was almost all flawless (a very average Moneypenny excluded from this) and seeing M's death gave a real element of linear story telling that has been missing from previous Bonds. Bardem was as ever flawless and lacked only a better script to put him in contention for best Bond villain status.

    Craigs understated Bond continues to grow into the character we all know and love (lets remember we are watching bond become bond) and so the comfort in his role is starting to shine through, as is his blatant disregard for what's expected of him for his legendary instincts.

    Mendes has shot arguably the slickest, most beautiful Bond movie ever, with stunning set pieces and a real understanding for the film that has its own genre.

    It wasn't without fault; dodgy script, naff CGI lizards and weak femme fatals could have pushed it into the top 3 but it still falls short of the complete package that Was Casino Royale.

    Looking forward to the second viewing

