Friday 22 June 2012


A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.


Ridley Scott
Chosen by: Jerry

1 comment:

  1. This film has had me thinking. A lot. It has the best and worst parts of the sci-fi genre: Amazing FX, great characters, jaw-dropping art but also a huge number of questions left frustratingly unanswered.

    First off, tip of the cap to the direction and cinematography - was really a beautifully crafted film. The pacing was spot on, from the simple and methodical use of time of David in hyper-sleep, through to the building of the climax at the end. Ridley made this a usual masterpiece but perhaps there were a few elements lacking to take it down from 'epic' to 'great'.

    Fassbenders 'David' was spot on and I think my favourite aspect of the film was his choice to create a new form of life (seemingly his preoccupation for the film being this 'the creation must then create' vibe) which I believe hid did on his own. Ironic then that it is he who spawns this Alien creature at the end that we all know and love. Rapace also made for an awkward and believable female lead.

    The script and the supporting cast for me weren't as strong as previous RS films which let certain scenes down, although the captain (stringer bell from 'The Wire') was really great casting.

    There are almost too many unanswered questions to go into, mostly about the 'technicians' and how why they were after earth, why were all those stars on the tablets there in the first place? who was the guy at the start? was he Prometheus, the god who was banished for his belief that humans would become gods? all very big and tough stuff so my head hurts a little. Damon Lindehof, one of the writers also made his name on 'Lost' so these unanswered questions seem to be his thang.

    Anywho - the IMAX took it to the next level and it was a really great movie compared to its peers.

